(IHK-Magazin, GABRIELE LÜKE) For Dr Ralf Hasler, cooperation with start-ups has long since been part of the corporate strategy. Dr Hasler is the CEO of Lacon Electronic GmbH in Munich, which is specialised in the production of electromechanical and electronic modules and devices and which has more than 500 employees. He can look back on 50 cooperations with high-tech start-ups over the past ten years. He offers them the whole range of cooperation options: from contract manufacturing through to investment. “I always found it fascinating to work with technologically innovative minds”, is how the 53-year-old describes what drove him.
Apart from the technological fascination, Hasler also pursues very clear business management objectives: “As an SME, we are set up for smaller lot sizes, start-ups generally tend to need smaller quantities initially, so we are an ideal electronic manufacturing service (EMS), i.e. contract manufacturer for them – and we grow together if business is good.” He added: “Also, a cooperation can increase our innovative power. Because the start-ups, with their new, especially their digital approaches, repeatedly force us to reinvent ourselves as a manufacturer." But the start-ups also receive plenty in return. “Lacon developed and produced the complete electronic hardware with us – from the concept through to series production. Developing this expertise ourselves would have been far too time-consuming and expensive and would also have been far less perfect”, is how Martin Lauer (52), one of the managing directors of FreshDetect GmbH in Pullach, explained his specific coordination advantage. FreshDetect has invented devices with which the quality and freshness of food (currently raw meat) and hygiene in the processing workflow can be measured in seconds and non-invasively. “In addition, because we were able to leave the production to Lacon with no qualms whatsoever, we were free from obligations and able to develop our business model further and concentrate on sales.”
From his long-standing and diverse cooperation experience, Dr Ralf Hasler has deduced several practical tips and conditions for success for cooperations with start-ups, which he is pleased to share. For example, to find the start-ups he deliberately goes to start-up events or visits start-up centres, gives talks, publishes articles, functions as a business angel and thus promotes his company as a cooperation partner among the start-ups. Before he signs a contract, it is important for him to check whether the business model and the ideas match each other, whether the technical feasibility exists, the product is marketable and the sales approach is promising. And Hasler also secures himself financially. “When I enter into a cooperation I am aware that I am taking a risk. But I must also minimise my failure risk, for example through an advance payment, the bond of a business angel or the assignment of accounts receivable from existing orders of the startup.” But the most important condition for success is personal chemistry, a common language and trust: “This is even more decisive for cooperations with start-ups than with other customers – as an experienced SME we are also always advisers for them, and therefore bear a lot of responsibility for the success of the start-up.” Martin Lauer of FreshDetect translated this as follows: “A cooperation needs the partners to believe in each other.” Source: IHK Magazine September 2018 issue, Author: Ms Gabriele Lüke