What opportunities and risks does the buzzword “Industry 4.0” conceal? On 17 January 2019, Dr Ralf Hasler, CEO of the Lacon Group, will consider the Industry 4.0 technologies in a more differentiated way for his entrepreneur colleagues of Munich’s EO chapter, and together with the education startup university4industry, will also perform several Industry 4.0 “experiments”. The unusual tutorial will take place in a real production environment on the premises of Lacon Electronic in Karlsfeld. About the content of the tutorial:
On the one hand, the development and industrialisation of products are completely re-invented. The drivers are additive production, agile product development as well as a digital twin of a product, not only during the development phase but also during its use. On the other hand, Industry 4.0 technologies enable more efficient use of existing infrastructure. This can take place in the production, energy generation, in logistics, etc. The drivers here are IoT applications linked with AI and corresponding visualisation. The event will be held with fingerfood and drinks in the familiar relaxed atmosphere.