Original Design Manufacturing

Products with your name

The Bavarian company, headquartered in Karlsfeld, guarantees solutions for mechatronics, electronics and electromechanics. In addition to the classic EMS offerings, the Lacon Group attaches great importance to the design of products, from hardware and software development to industrial engineering and customized life cycle management. 
This strategy sets Lacon apart from others on the market as an Original Design Manufacturer (ODM).

Get to know our comprehensive portfolio and experience the world of design & engineering, development, IoT and electronic manufacturing.

As a company and attractive employer, Lacon consists of various divisions that plan, develop and manufacture excellent capital goods and industrial products in perfect coordination with each other. We remain true to our principle of delivering the highest quality down to the smallest detail.
The Lacon quality concept is the cornerstone of our state-of-the-art ODM philosophy.

Find out how the group of companies is structured and what philosophy we pursue. Of course, there is always a lot to discover among our latest news and exciting offers for your career in the world of electronics.

Greetings from the CEO Dr. Ralf Hasler

Group of companies
Get to know us

The Lacon Group has been active worldwide for 40 years and is one of the top 20 original design manufacturing suppliers in Europe. In 2018, the company was included in Bavaria's Best 50. Facts, figures and data about the organization.
The management invites you to get to know the vision and philosophy of Lacon.

German Engineering & Quality worldwide

Numerous certifications and the fulfillment of a large number of standards bring Lacon to life every day. Get to know our high quality standards and let us convince you of our quality management par excellence.
Here you will also find all important certificates and documents to download.

Electronics with your name in the career

Plan your career with us at an exciting and broad-based manufacturer of individual electronic products.
We offer a wide range of career paths in electronics development, production, administration and logistics. Lacon appeals to all people who are interested in a field of activity that is fun and challenging, from training, manual skills in production, specialist electronic knowledge for EMS and ODM engineering to high-level management and hardware/software development.

Find quickly and easily what you're looking for!

Your contact

Ralf Hasler

Ralf Hasler
T: +49 8131 591-0
E: info@lacon.de